Friday, April 2, 2010


 Taking stock of the many things to be grateful for in my life.  This has been an exercise I've been practicing a lot lately.  Imperfect situations creep up, people do things that seem a little off, crisis are staved off one paycheck at a time.  Even in the random chaos that peeks its crazy-making head out every now and then, there are always things to be grateful for.

  • my endlessly caring husband
  • my entertaining pup Chomsky
  • family & friends who give unconditional love
  • buds on trees and plants peeking out of the dirt
  • upbeat songs that get me through my day
  • sunshine
  • hugs

There's lots more but I'll have to save them for a later post.

What are you grateful for today?


1 comment:

  1. hi nicole! i found your work on etsy and i'm in LOVE with your embroideries! i will be back i'm sure ;) also-- i saw on etsy you have a bichon pup! me too!!! it's a girl and her name is Maverick after my love of the Dallas Mavericks (NBA). aren't bichons the best!?

    i'm grateful for:
    puppy kisses
    my darling fiance's scruff
    co-workers who are like family

    i hope you don't mind but i'm about to feature your work on my blog :) i have this series called "sharing sundays" and your etsy was my choice today! it'll be up in a bit ;) xo
