Monday, March 8, 2010

Lack of Funds

That was the wording on my pink slip as the reason for my layoff (January 2010). I was the Communications Director/PIO for a school district for 3 years. Then the budget cuts hit.

My job, being furthest from the classroom, was on the hit list pretty early. Makes sense except most people fail to realize that without someone coordinating it, communication doesn't "just happen". Newsletters and press releases don't write themselves; websites don't update themselves; media events don't coordinate themselves; and believe it or not, Board decisions don't get translated to the parents, community, or even the school district teachers and staff by themselves.

But none of that matters now. Now it's time, as my Grandma would say, to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
I'm dealing with it by working for myself. Yep, I'm newly self-employed and figuring out the ropes. I've been sewing and making jewelry under Nicole Steward Designs for a little while. It's time to get that business moving in a more fluid and profitable way. I'm also doing communication and social work consulting under Nicole Steward Consulting. I promise I'm not vain. It's just easier to use my own name instead of thinking up a witty name and hope it isn't already taken.

I'll be chronicling my journey on this blog. Here we go...


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